
month of the year

it's August!
ahh so fast :) salam Ramadhan to everyone! i'm going to love this month of August because both Ramadhan and Aidilfitri fall on the same month. :) well, i am loving August since like..forever! *wink* tomorrow is Mama's birthday, the next day is her brother's which is my Ayahsu (can't wait for his wedding next 2 months) :D watching too many wedding ceremony on the television makes me err..err..nothing! hehehe ^_^

it's a new month, a blessing month. hoping for a good start till the end, for a better change, for a better conversation, for a better relationship, for a better life, for a better Ramadhan. InsyaAllah.

selamat menjalani ibadah puasa.
semoga kita semua mendapat keberkatan dari-Nya

*it's been awhile since i last wrote a proper post. kinda miss it. too many to share but..i'm not sure. ahhh i think i need to let it all out from my mind, so i won't feel any strange-pathetic-annoying feeling, again.